What Does A Chicken Coop Need In Case Of Emergency?

When it comes to keeping pets and more so when keeping livestock, it’s always important that you expect the unexpected to happen. If there is ever an emergency, it’s essential that you have everything and are well equipped with both the right tools and knowledge to help resolve any incidents. The time you save by having everything prepared in the case of emergency can be the difference between life and death for your flock.

When it comes to installing and setting up a chicken coops for sale most owners can forget the most essential things due to the sheer excitement of housing chickens.

Here are a few things you need to remember for your chicken coop:

Heat Lamps

Make sure the placement and attachment of your headlamps are correct. Regular maintenance should also be carried out in order to prevent accidental fires.

Fire Extinguishers

Purchase a fire extinguisher that is labeled “AC” or “ABC”, these are capable of controlling electrical and conventional fires. Always remember to read and become familiar with the instructions before use.


Keep a flashlight handy. You never know when an accident may happen in the darkest of night and a flashlight allows plenty of light if the coops electricity fails or if there may be a predator on your property.

Repair Kit

Keep your repair kit stocked with assorted nails, pliers, hammer, spare bulbs, staples, wire mesh, and everything else you may need to repair a chicken coop. If your local area prone is to flooding, keep some spare bricks, or pellets that can help raise your coop from the floor.

Sick or Injured Chickens

In the event of a sick or injured chicken, do you have a backup plan? How will you isolate the bird without causing potential harm to your current flock or causing any more distress to the injured bird? A large dog crate is a great and affordable solution for a hospital or isolation pen and it can even be placed outdoors to allow your injured or sick chicken to enjoy some sunlight and fresh air. If you do not have a large dog crate at hand, it’s important to come up with a secure solution to isolate a bird that may need attention.

First Aid Kit

A first aid kit for your flock can be a life saver and can be prepared within a matter of minutes. Putting together a kit is incredibly easy, simply begin with:

  • Basic materials for dressing wounds.
  • Saline or bottled water.
  • Eyedropper or syringe.
  • Sterile gauze.
  • Paper towels.
  • Clean sharp scissors.
  • Vet wrap.
  • Waterless hand sanitizer.

You may wish to keep basic medicine for your flock such as:

  • Blu-kote or another form of dark-colored anti-pick lotion
  • Neosporin cream, either hydrogen peroxide or betadine.
  • Baby shampoo.
  • Poultry vitamin
  • Electrolyte powder

In the event something goes wrong or that there is an emergency, having the correct tools and kits available is fundamental, but if you are not prepared mentally, it can all go to waste. Make sure that you have your local veterinarian’s number written down and in available reach if needed. In most cases, a poultry owner will encounter very little emergencies or accidents, but it’s always best to be prepared.